What are examples of forms and methods for building local democracy? How should we diagnosed problems in the City? What is good governance? How the idea of a human smart city is developing on the example of Żywiec?

These and other questions will be answered during workshops which will take a place at end of February and the beginning of March.
Workshops are organized as a part of  "SMART ŻYWIEC - (r)evolution" carried out by the City of Żywiec. The workshops are addressed to youth and seniors, so all residents of Żywiec are invited to participate.

The series includes  8 workshops:

26th of  February 2024 (Monday) - Sign up!
9.00 a.m. - 11.00 a.m. - diagnosing the city problems workshops
12.00 a.m. - 2.00 p.m. - diagnosing city problems workshops
The workshop will be led by Ms Marcelina Metera - professional educator, Orange Foundation expert, author of lesson plans and workshops, vice-president of the Good View Foundation.
Workshop description: The workshop focuses on developing a rational, in-depth assessment of the challenges faced by Żywiec citizens and authorities. It will not be a festival of complaining, but a concrete, structured list of issues that need to be resolved in particular areas of the city's functioning.

27th of  February 2024 (Tuesday) - Sign up!
9.00 a.m. - 11.00 a.m. - development of the human smart city idea on the example of Żywiec City workshops
12.00 a.m.  - 2.00 p.m.  - Workshop on the development of the human smart city concept based on the example of Żywiec City workshops
The workshop will be conducted by  Michał Koskowski Phd- economist, Warsaw School of Economics professor assistant. He specializes in the management of cultural heritage and tourist reception areas.
Workshop description: The workshops main goal is to introduce the idea of the Human Smart City, i.e. city in which new technologies serve the inhabitants to participants by using examples from the country and the world, together we will develop a potential model of smart technological solutions, adequate to the scale of challenges identified during the previous workshops.

4th of March 2024 (Monday) - Sign up!
9.00 a.m. - 11.00 a.m. – development of  methods and forms for building local democracy workshops
12.00 a.m. - 14.00 a.m. - development of methods and forms of building local democracy workshops
The workshop will be led by Ms Magdalena Waligóra-Rutkowska, president of the Good View Foundation.- lawyer, civic counsellor, court mediator, currently director of administration and projects at the Górom Foundation. She has prepared and implemented many grant competitions.
Workshop description: From neighbourhood communities to astates and districts trough neighbourhood and neighbourhood communities to city identity. During the workshops  scenarios for activating residents to shape shared space with a sense of belonging and responsibility will be  developed.

5th of March 2024 (Tuesday) - Sign up!
9.00 a.m. - 11.00 a.m - good governance workshop
12.00 a.m. - 2.00 p.m - good governance workshop
The workshop will be led by Ms Joanna Frycz - headmistress of a non-public high school, management and international cooperation in education specialist.
Workshop description: The workshop will introduce the concept of "governance", a way of running institutions or entities (for example, cities) that places greater emphasis on social legitimacy and the ability of societies to create a system of representation. Participants will learn about examples of successful implementation of this system, rules, geared towards a rational, efficient and socially acceptable direction of development.
All workshops will be held in the Żywiec Town Hall - Conference Room 113A. Refreshments will be provided during the workshop meetings and a certificate will be issued to each participant.

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